Ok, that was a big fat LIE: I do want people to read this. I do want to reach people, to help people think more. But even if nobody reads this for the next decade, I am still going to write/type/blog/whatever you might say. Why? Because at the very least, I am helping myself to speak my mind...or at least the chaos that passes for my brain. I have this weird thing, you see. I can be all strange and goofy for my friends (i.e. reading something with ridiculous accents or emphasis), but I can't do that in front of anyone else. I can write it, but I can't do it. So maybe by blogging on this blog in the blogosphere (haha that sounds cool :), I can be that person a little more. Because the more I write like me, the more me has to leak out into the world of being. If that makes any sense. By the way, if I make sense to anyone out there, kudos to you! Because half the time I don't know what I'm saying. Which is depressing, because I thought of it in the first place...
Anyhoo (like that. if you understand what that means, please tell me), this whole post isn't going to be about why I'm still writing to an audience of a grand total of one. I'm still going to write about caring, though. But first, some random pictures...
Yes, that is indeed a treehouse. No, I don't have any idea how to get into it.
Yes, that is Hermione's point of view. But I know a few people who I think have that as their life's philosophy.
Is that sick or WHAT??
Ok, I'm done with random photos. I may actually repeat that in other posts. Just because I have a small attention span and typing gets BORING. Now for my actual post.
Why do people care? More importantly, why do people care and not tell you? Because then you say something, for example a hilariously funny joke (and don't expect one, I don't have any), and then the person you told it to is all "Oh no you DIDn't!" and you're still on the joke and laughing your head off. How were you supposed to know that they're sensitive on the subject of pineapples, or donuts, or, I don't know, puppies? Why don't people communicate? Why do we have to be "strong" and hide how we feel, so that then it explodes out at extremely inconvenient moments? Maybe that doesn't happen to you, but I am a firm believer in (and strong evidence of) Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it will. So why don't we say what we believe outright? Granted, there are some people who just want to pick a fight, but surely everyone in the whole world doesn't feel like that.
But what makes us care about something? And why aren't we proud of what we care? Why do we have to hide that? Sometimes people hide the best parts of them away. I don't get that. Humans are proud people. Shouldn't we therefore brag about everything we've got? I know there humble people out there, but what they care about shows, so it doesn't matter. But why are people ashamed to say, "YES! I care about my family." or "YES! Being 'green' matters to me." I don't see how that is a bad thing. Obviously, if you are in one of those unfortunate areas where caring is frowned upon, I can see why you would hesitate, especially if you could get shot. But you can still show you care. Wear a bracelet, or a shirt or even a piece of string. No one else knows why you are wearing it, but you know that is a reminder of who you are. Even if it's just an old shoelace. Because even if we do care, if we hide that and bury it and pretend we don't care at all, eventually, we won't anymore because we've forgotten how.
So don't stop caring! Remember why you care, what you care for, and tell the entire world about it until they yell at you to shut up. And even then, keep caring. Just maybe be a little less vocal. Ok?